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A bit about me....


I am 22 years old and an aspiring fashion/film still photographer based in Texas. My respect and endearment for photography started at a young age when experimenting with my dad’s old Pentax 55mm film camera. The camera always felt natural in my hands, and I was hooked. As I started to capture someone’s true essence of self on the camera, I began to create characters for whom I wanted to see behind the lens.


I play with many different looks and I am constantly evolving from each character to the next. The essence of each character is shaped mostly through social and historical forces. Communicating the nature of human nature around orientation to time(whether existent or not) is what my photographs are intended to translate. I allow the nonverbal cues in which the model or character produces to speak for themselves, while reflecting the person and the context of the setting.


Most of my inspiration comes from film stills and street photography. Decades in history inspire the fashion choices in which the characters will personify. I incorporate new and old trends into the models wardrobe to make sure I have a new take on each item of clothing. My love for fashion and detail is embodied in all of my work. I hope you get to know the characters as I see them through my lens!

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